Star Wars and Fascination

I confess. I’m a not-so-closet Star Wars fan. We had an Avengers version of the Fascination Advantage chart last year (thanks, Robin!). So of course we need the Star Wars edition. As a reminder, here are the languages associated with each of the Fascination...

Got Organizational Effectiveness?

Time for a Star Wars analogy on organizational effectiveness. In the Star Wars Saga, the Empire is taking over the universe because, at the primal level, they wanted to make things better.  And boy, does Grand Moff Tarkin, the commander of the Death Star, in Episode...

Are you falling behind?

I have a fairly consistent routine each day. I get up, workout, have breakfast and start working.  My daily schedule might vary from meetings to desk work, but there are elements that are consistent. Everyone does it. They fall into routines and it becomes easy to do...

Passion has its place in business

February is Passion Month. Doesn’t that work out well? Passion and I have a love-hate relationship with each other. How’s that for mixing metaphors right off the bat? For most of us, Passion is akin to love. We’re passionate about people, things, ideas, stuff. I’m...

Personal Branding Enemy #3 – Commodization

What is commoditization? I like to use cell phone companies because I seem to always get bombarded with their commercials at every turn. Their advertising is all about their latest offer.  Each of them claims to have the best “deal.” It’s all about money and the race...

Personal Branding Enemy #2 – Competition

Competition. We’re all afraid of it to some degree.  We try to be magnanimous and think, “There’s enough business for everyone.”  That’s true, but we all have some of those niggling little doubts that someone is stealing business from us. Because it’s a competitive...