4 Stages of Leadership

“That’s how a big corporation does things.So you need to deal with it.” A few years ago, a small business owner uttered this phrase to a team member. The owner had goals. Big goals. Big dollar sign goals. And that owner felt that to play like the big...

3 Traits for Fascination Advantages

How do the people around you communicate? You’ve probably already picked up on the fact that Fascination is tied to how you communicate who you are and how you deliver value. Wouldn’t it be great to have a some quick reference points about how you might be...

Fascination Advantages are Tools in the Tool Belt

My son is in a Personal Leadership class at college. He has some pre-work before the semester started, one of which was that he had to take a StrengthsFinder assessment. He was mildly irked that he had to pay for and take the assessment for class. I confess I was a...