Are you falling behind?

I have a fairly consistent routine each day. I get up, workout, have breakfast and start working.  My daily schedule might vary from meetings to desk work, but there are elements that are consistent. Everyone does it. They fall into routines and it becomes easy to do...

Passion has its place in business

February is Passion Month. Doesn’t that work out well? Passion and I have a love-hate relationship with each other. How’s that for mixing metaphors right off the bat? For most of us, Passion is akin to love. We’re passionate about people, things, ideas, stuff. I’m...

Fascination Advantages are Tools in the Tool Belt

My son is in a Personal Leadership class at college. He has some pre-work before the semester started, one of which was that he had to take a StrengthsFinder assessment. He was mildly irked that he had to pay for and take the assessment for class. I confess I was a...

Details and Organization

January is Get Organized Month. We hit the new year and part of turning over usually means a frenzy of goal setting and getting organized. Some of us (raising my hand high) thrive on organization. I love it. I love planning out the big picture. Mapping out a process...